Vanilla Infused Honey

Vanilla Infused Honey

October 17, 2019

Derrick and I were lucky enough to travel to Tahiti for our honeymoon, thanks to the generosity of our family and friends who contributed to our honeymoon fund as a wedding gift.

While there we visited Le Vallee de la Vanille on Tahaa Island, a small family-run vanilla plantation producing the most divine vanilla you've ever tasted! We brought back some whole vanilla pods, which I turned into homemade Vanilla Extract for Christmas presents (6 large split vanilla pods to 250ml vodka/rum/whiskey).

I had a leftover vanilla bean so after hearing good things about vanilla honey, I decided to infuse some to see what it tastes like. 

Here's what you'll need and how you make it:

  • 100g of honey, I think a sweet mild honey is best, I used our Native Flora and Manuka Blend
  • 1 large plump vanilla pod

Cut your vanilla pod in half scrape the seeds and add them to a clean jar. Then cut your vanilla pod into small sections and add. Pour over your honey.

Leave to infuse for at least a week, turning occasionally to help the flavour infuse.

The Beekeepers Wife

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2-ingredient Honey Marmalade

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